WJCC Christmas headquarters for The Lions Christmas Express
Congratulations Board President Marni Tuttle
In September, community leaders from across Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook were honoured by Darrell Samson for their work towards diversity & inclusion, reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, youth, the environment, seniors, and veterans. Each was presented with a...
Preview the ad for the November Laker
Thank you to The Laker for being our partner in spreading the word about how LWF Ratepayers make our community a better place. Advertisement in November's Laker
LWFRA response to HRMs proposed amendment to a LWF Area Rate (July 2017)
In July, 2017 HRM recommended an adjustment to the LWF Area Rate without consultation with the community. With less than 24 hours notice our communities created a tremendous response to request that HRM delay the motion until community consultation had been...
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